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Planter Boxes with  Wicking

Bring your garden to life with our stunning range of Australian made Planter boxes with inbuilt WaterUps Wicking.

Planter boxes are versatile, easy to use and can be added to gardens, balconies, courtyards, walkways and anywhere in between. They are a wonderful way for people to get back in the garden and enjoy the feel of soil between their fingers.

The inclusion of the WaterUps Wicking system, means the planters are watered from the bottom up. Wicking garden beds eliminate the problem of deciding when and how much to water.   Plants in a wicking bed can last up to 4 weeks or longer without additional watering. 

Planter Box Collections

Did you know that in most aged care homes, residents spend very little time outdoors?   Outdoor spaces can provide positive health, psychological and social outcomes. 🌳  The National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines encourage aged care homes to make practical design changes that improve people’s quality of life, including access to safe outdoor spaces. 🏡

To learn what good aged care design looks like, click here.

The principles and guidelines focus on creating more accessible, dementia-friendly and home-like living environments. This will help improve quality of life for older people living in residential aged care and working environments for aged care staff.

Older people, especially those living with cognitive impairment or dementia, will benefit from well-designed aged care accommodation that is guided by four principles:


Enable the Person

Support people living in a place that maintains their health, wellbeing and sense of identity.\Create a familiar environment in which people have privacy, control and feel they belong.


Cultivate a Home

Support people seeing, accessing and spending time outdoors in contact with nature.


Access the Outdoors

​To support people seeing, accessing and spending time outdoors in contact with nature. 


Connect with community
Encourage people to connect with family, friends and community, continuing to participate in meaningful activities.

Gardening is a well loved activity that brings joy, peace, and a sense of accomplishment. For residents in aged care or disability housing, gardening can be particularly therapeutic.

Cultivating happiness - the positive impact of gardening on aged care residents

Image by Jonathan Kemper

How wicking in planter boxes improves yield and saves money

Wicking in a planter box is a method used to provide plants with a consistent supply of water from below, ensuring that they remain well-hydrated without the risk of overwatering. Here's how it works:

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